Lifting stations: Enabling design flexibility with efficient and reliable wastewater management


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As architects, designers, and engineers, we’re often faced with the challenge of integrating essential amenities, such as bathrooms and kitchens, in a way that maximises both form and function.

Lifting stations are a key solution when conventional gravity drainage systems are not feasible.

Today, we’ll explore how these systems work, how they enhance design flexibility, and what to consider when specifying them for your projects.

At the end of this presentation, you should be able to:

  • Explain what a lifting station is, their purpose and how they work.
  • Outline the variations in lifting station technology available to ensure drainage requirements are met.
  • Outline the type of project where a lifting station may be used.
  • Explain the benefits of lifting stations and how they can help improve the design of different types of projects (residential or commercial).

AACA NSCA Competency Standards: PC24, PC28, PC33, PC44



Nick Moore – National Business Development Manager, Saniflo SFA

Nick Moore has been involved in the plumbing industry since 1982 and providing solutions directly to architects, designers and engineers since 1994.

Nick joined Saniflo in 2012 as QLD/NT sales manager, and in 2019 took up the role of National Business Development Manager, training state-based BDMs in the provision of innovative plumbing solutions to design influencers.

In this role, Nick has driven the development of (three and counting) CPDs for design influencers and assisted in the creation of dedicated web-based Designer hubs – an extension of Saniflo SFA’s open website.

Presented By:


Presention Type:

Formal CPD

CPD Points:

1 Formal CPD Point